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flannnel filter | 3tastes

Taste varies from person to person

3 tastes coffee filters

animation | 3 tastes coffee filter

Like choosing a coffee shop.

Produced by Takashi Suzuhara

I like coffee shops, but I don't like to brew my own.


We want to turn such home coffee time into a fun and delicious time.


We want to turn the excitement of going to a coffee shop into coffee at home.

Flannel filter | soupir

The history of flannel drip, the oldest drip extraction method, has always been with coffee shops. Coffee shops have a culture of customizing flannel filters to suit the taste of the coffee they want to express, and have created "local coffee shops" and "local coffee flavors" by creating flavors not only from beans and roasting, but also from the equipment.


Such commitment is disappearing with the decline in the number of privately owned coffee shops.


The lineup includes three types of nerf filters exclusively for soupir that express regional characteristics. You can experience this precious culture at home, which we want to preserve for future generations.


Please enjoy the old and new coffee experience of choosing a flannel filter just as you would choose a coffee shop.

The greatness of coffee shops that have created "local coffee flavors"

The history of coffee in Japan is said to date back to the Meiji Era.

Coffee beans, an imported agricultural product, were not of the highest quality at that time. Even under such circumstances, famous masters in various regions continued to study to provide satisfying tastes while serving as salons in the community.

One such product was a "custom-made flannel filter". 

Photography cooperation: Rokuyosha Coffee Shop

Flannnel filter sewing factory

Pride in supporting Japanese coffee.

We continue to respond to the demands of our customers by manufacturing flannel filters.

The reason why the original flannel filter was sought is simple: it changes the taste. In an age when it is difficult to differentiate beans, the fact that the extraction method can change the taste of a product is a very important factor. I am sure you can understand the importance of this.


Textile companies, which were scattered throughout the country at the time, continued to respond to such tailor-made requests. The elements that bring about changes in taste are diverse, including shape, material, and raising, and furthermore, they must be tailored not only to taste but also to the workflow of each store.


It can be said that the accumulation of flavor creation in a truly tripartite manner has created the unique flannel drip culture of Japan today.

Photography cooperation: Maluta Clothing Co.

Master brews flannel drip coffee in a Japanese coffee shop.

What is the best part of flannel drip?

Today, the quality of beans and extraction methods are different from those of those days, but what is the flavor of nerd drip, which still has many fans?


Generally speaking, the characteristics are said to be "richer than paper drip" and "more pleasant on the tongue.


Many people think of it as "extracting deep-roasted beans in a drip infusion at low temperature for a long time."


There are many different characteristics and ways to enjoy flannel drip, but I think the best thing about flannel drip to enjoy at home is the freedom it offers.

Combining a made-to-order flannel filter with a drip system gives you a very wide range of options for bringing hot water and beans into contact. I think that is why many coffee shops have differentiated themselves with flannel drip.


It may be a luxury in this day and age that demands immediate answers, but it is possible to slowly go out with someone and gradually get closer to the coffee you like. I believe that nerd drip has such an appeal.

Photography cooperation: Jikanryoko

Rokuyosha coffee shop | Kyoto

What is being lost with the decline of coffee shops.

In recent years, the number of privately owned coffee shops has greatly decreased, and there are only a few textile companies with the skills and understanding to handle flannel filters.


I believe that the coffee know-how surrounding flannel drip, which has been accumulated over a long period of time, is already a culture unique to Japan. There is a world that can only be spun by flannel drip, a world that has been created by many of our predecessors.


Today, there are many ways to enjoy coffee, and we hope that more people will come into contact with the old and new world of flannel drip and find "the coffee you like, not the coffee someone else said was good.


Take a step forward and ask the roaster at the store you've been eyeing, "What beans do you recommend?" Please ask them.

Rokuyosha coffee shop | Master Okuno Kunpei

Kunpei Okuno, owner of Kyoto Rokuyosha Coffee Shop


Kunpei Okuno

Third generation owner and roaster of Rokuyosha Coffee Shop, Kawaramachi, Kyoto


1983 Born as the eldest son of Osamu Okuno, the owner of Rokuyosha Coffee underground store

2009 After working at Maeda Coffee, opened his own cafe, "Kissa Fe Caféssa".

2013 Appointed as owner of Rokuyosha Coffee Shop (ground floor store)

2018 Appointed President of Rokuyosha, Inc.

2020 70 years in business for Rokuyosha Coffee



Providing roasted beans to many restaurants and retail stores

Flannel coffee filter | Nagoya type | soupir

Nagoya style


"This Nagoya type, which is probably the most versatile type, is a type in which the fabric side is basically used for the outer surface, and the bristled side is set on the inner surface.

The Nagoya type's dough side itself is moderate, and the point that it can produce the taste of "royal road" coffee with the variation of how to enjoy it when extracting coffee by drip while also reflecting the preference of the amount of coffee beans and the temperature of hot water to the grind size is the nell that everyone will like. I wonder if it is? I thought it would be a good idea."

Flannel coffee filter | Tokyo type | soupir

Tokyo style

"In fact, it was the most familiar feeling nel I was familiar with.

In short, the Tokyo style with the bristled side facing outward has a sense of delicate and clear extraction in my image, and I always brew with the bristled side facing outward on a dare.

The reason for this is that the coffee is extracted directly from the cloth side and is filtered through the bristled side, which reflects the original taste of the coffee beans and the extraction technique.

In my opinion, the Tokyo style is the most versatile extraction method."

Flannel coffee filter | Osaka type | soupir

Osaka style


The "same specifications as the Nagoya type, but the fabric side is used facing outward and the fine mesh cloth is used to filter the coffee, which will be extracted while staying somewhat in time until it falls as liquid. I feel that this would be a form of professional.

Conversely, it is not affected by the extraction speed, and to some extent hot water slowly passes through the coffee powder to the liquid, which may have the advantage of extracting the individuality of the coffee bean regardless of the technique used.

The fine weave of the fabric also removes any unwanted flavors, which makes for a clear and flavorful cup of coffee."


"The pleasure of being able to change the expression of the cloth and the reverse side of the cloth, which at first glance looks the same, is a perfect choice for those who want to express and produce their own color of coffee as well as expand the depth of the coffee experience.

The drip method of brewing coffee with your own hands not only makes you think about the coffee you are brewing for yourself or someone else, but also makes you feel that the place and space are important and makes you value the time you spend there even more.


I am glad that people are familiar with the flannel, which may require a little effort, and above all, I hope that people realize that this little effort is an element that makes coffee more enjoyable and tasty.


The fabric used for the coffee cup was suggested by suzugama, but the round or oval shape of the flannel can also be used to create a more appealing flavor.

We hope that those who want to explore the depth of this idea will continue to get stuck in the swamp."


Kunpei Okuno, owner of Rokuyosha Coffee Shop 



Q. Can I use the flannel filter as is?
A. New filters have glue on them, so please boil them once and squeeze them well before use.

Q. How do I store the flannel filter?
A. Wash them in cold water without detergent and store them in a plastic bag for freezing.

Q. Why freeze storage?
A. Coffee oil that has soaked into the fabric will oxidize when it dries, causing the fabric to corrode faster. Therefore, it is important not to let it dry out. This storage method helps to slow down the deterioration of the cloth.

Q. Why can't I use detergent?
A. The ingredients of detergent may remain in the cloth and enter the coffee. We recommend that you do not use detergent as it may be harmful to your body.

Q. My flannel filter is getting dyed?
A. For the above reasons, please do not wash it with bleach. The flannel filter is in the correct state to be dyed.

Q. How many times can I use a flannel filter?
The standard is 50 times. It will last longer if you boil it occasionally. Regardless of the number of times you use it, you should replace it when it is damaged.

Q. How much does it cost to maintain the flannel filter?

A. The price of each flannel filter is 550 yen (tax included), and if you replace it 50 times, the cost is 11 yen per replacement. If you boil the filter occasionally, it will last longer.

Q.Why does it taste different?

A.The flavor extracted depends on how the hot water and beans come into contact with each other. Each of the three types of flannel filters has its own combination of material, raised surface, twist, thickness, etc., and the flavor is changed as it is adjusted to the actual extraction process. See Tips below for more information.

Q.The Tokyo style has the brushed on the reverse side, is this normal?

A.In the Tokyo type, the brushed side is on the outside, mainly to enhance the evaporation of fragrance. This is a specification, so please feel free to use it.

Q.Are you using any materials that may affect human body?

A.All Flannel filters have passed fluorescent dye elution tests. Please feel free to use them.

"soupir" Body set


 Main body(3parts)

 Cloth filter(Nagoya type) ×1

 Silicon fixing belt

 Paper tube carrying box

 Instruction manual


 ¥8,350(Not include shipping costs)

3filters Change of flavors | soupir


 Cloth filter(Nagoya type) ×1

 Cloth filter(Tokyo type) ×1

 Cloth filter(Osaka type) ×1

 Package and instructon manual


 ¥1,650(Not include shipping costs)

2filters Bag "Nagoya type" | soupir


 Cloth filter(Nagoya type) ×2

 Package and instructon manual


 ¥1,100(Not include shipping costs)

Excellent in unity while bringing out the strong flavor of the beans. Rich and elegant taste. Ideal for high quality deep roasted blended coffee. Type included in the "soupir".

2filters Bag "Tokyo type" | soupir


 Cloth filter(Tokyo type) ×2

 Package and instructon manual


 ¥1,100(Not include shipping costs)

It brings out the characteristics of the bean and has excellent aroma. Ideal for high quality single origin coffee beans and shallow roasted beans. Fast extraction speed.

2filters Bag "Osaka type" | soupir


 Cloth filter(Osaka type) ×2

 Package and instructon manual


 ¥1,100(Not include shipping costs)

Extracts bitterness. Ideal for iced coffee and café au lait. Removes astringency from low-cost coffee beans. Slow extraction speed.

Thank you for visiting the suzugama website. We can ship outside of Japan, but depending on your location, we may not be able to ship to you.


So please email us first. →


We will confirm the shipping company that can send to your specified address. If there is an item you would like to have shipped, please mention it in the e-mail. We will let you know the price including shipping costs. Have a happy shopping!

suzugama Takashi & Chie


Detail | Nagoya type | Cloth coffee filter
Detail | Tokyo type | Cloth coffee filter
Detail | Osaka type | Cloth coffee filter

 Here is a bit of a pain in the ass(?) from a developer's point of view. I'd like to talk about it from a developer's point of view.


 Coffee extraction is, of course, about controlling "how hot water touches the beans.


It is simple in words, but a lot of things are happening in the filter during the actual extraction process. We started by extracting the variables.


 The effects on extraction include the strength of steeping, the speed at which hot water is drained, clogging, and the amount of coffee oil permeated. The fabrics that cause changes include yarn material, weave, and the reverse side of the raised surface. The combination of these two factors is about 45 items.


 We then took data on changes in taste and usability when they were actually used and used for some period of time. Of course, we also compared them with other extraction methods.


 It is grand(?) to hear it like this. In reality, however, a filter that tastes good and is easy to use is all that is needed, and as I said, professionals who brew many cups of coffee every day have a sense of what kind of filter is best for them, and their opinions come together in their custom-made requests. If you read the aforementioned review by Mr. Okuno, you will understand what I mean.


 Since Spiel is a drip set for home use, we have chosen a combination of filters with as large a difference in taste and comfort as possible. It is quite obvious that there are different tastes and preferences.


 However, enjoying coffee at home is a tasteful pleasure that starts from the time of brewing and selecting coffee beans before that. We would like to provide you with an opportunity to learn about new pleasures, such as learning about the background of nerd drip, wanting to visit a coffee shop you have been curious about, or talking to a roaster.


 To this end, comprehensive lifestyle-related design is essential, not only for filters but also for drippers and other products. We are committed to providing a comprehensive design that is relevant to people's lifestyles, because if they no longer use it, it is no good for them.


I will continue to offer fun suggestions. Thank you for your continued support.


suzugama Takashi Suzuhara

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